Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Angels and Rainbows

Angels watching over us
Little Angel knealing
We Just returned Home from
Beautiful Lake Powell.
We had a wonderful trip.
We had 2 newborn infants.
2- not quite 2 year olds
3-3 year olds
3 teenagers
a 7 year old
and a 10 year old.
Some might think we are a
little crazy.
needless to say In the midst of
hiking, extreme tubing, surfing and wake boarding many
prayers were said to keep us safe. Only mild bumps and bruises and a little sunburn occured on our trip!
I Had just began reading Doreen Virtues book on  connecting with your angels and one of the ways that Angels connect with us is through angel shaped clouds. 
On one of our tubing trips my niece noticed this beautiful cloud that appeared to have a rainbow/opalescent look to it.  I took some pictures of it because it was so pretty.  I didn't look at the pictures very closely until I got home and in
reviewing the photos that I noticed the little angel to the left of the sunburst appearing to be knealing in prayer.  The balls of light appear to be orbs or also known as angels.
I have come to realize that there are angels around us anxiously waiting to assist us in any way they can.  They are not to busy it brings them much joy to serve us.  We only have to ASK thats it just ask.